Lucky Night Studio

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How many pages can your Squarespace website have?

A question that we get asked a lot by small businesses looking to move across to Squarespace is ‘is there a limit on the number of pages I can have on my Squarespace website?’

The short answer to this question is yes, but the vast majority of small business owners would be hard pressed to meet that limit!

The maximum number of pages you can have on any Squarespace website is 1000. That’s right, 3 zeros.

This is a fairly new limit that’s been added by Squarespace to ensure your website remains usable and fast.

Read more about this decision here.

Some of the included pages of our Lucy Squarespace website template

Squarespace also use page specific limits.

These apply to different page types like blog posts and events. We’ve listed the specific limits for these below.

  • Blog pages - Squarespace have set no limit for the number of blog posts you can add to a blog page

  • Events pages - Squarespace allows to to post up to 350 events per month

  • Fluid Engine sections - Squarespace allows up to 1000 grid rows

  • Folders - Squarespace state there is no official limit to folders, but recommend a maximum of 10 pages to keep drop-down menus manageable for your users

  • Gallery sections - Squarespace allow up to 250 images per gallery

  • Layout pages - Squarespace recommend adding no more than 60 blocks per page, as pages with too many blocks may load and save slowly

  • Page sections - Squarespace state there is no official limit, but recommend adding no more than 20 sections per page, as pages with too much content may load and save slowly

  • Portfolio pages - Squarespace allows up to 60 sub-pages

  • Portfolio sub-pages - Squarespace recommend adding no more than 60 blocks per sub-page, as sub-pages with too many blocks may load and save slowly

  • Store pages - Squarespace won’t allow you to exceed the site-wide limit of 10,000 products

  • Videos pages - Squarespace allow you up to 10,000 videos, but the video limits and requirements apply

What Squarespace page limits mean for your small business

For the vast majority of small business owners, these limits are more than enough. If you, like 95% of the business world, need a website that shows off your unique brand, helps new customers discover you online and gives info about your products and services, then Squarespace is the perfect option for you.

Our Squarespace templates come with between 7 & 9 pages as standard, and this has proved to be more than enough for every single one of our clients. This doesn’t include blog posts of course - but Squarespace have helpfully removed any limit to these anyway. Feel free to blog to your heart’s content!

If they aren’t, or your building a website with very specific page-heavy requirements, our recommendation is to not use a website builder at all. If your project is so bespoke and load heavy that you envision yourself maxing out over 1000 pages, take your project to a developer to build from scratch.

Trying to rely on Squarespace for such a large and complex project could lead to a site that loads slowly, displays poorly and works inefficiently.