The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 14: How to Optimise Your Website for Higher Conversions

This episode of The Lucky Biz Podcast is our first ever guest interview!

Every few weeks from now on we’re going to bring on a special guest to the pod to talk about all things running a small business, growing that business online and whatever else takes our fancy.

Our topic for today's podcast episode is website conversions - what are they, how do they work and how can we optimise our websites to get more of them?!

Joining me for this chat is our first ever podcast guest, Lara Glover aka The Ecommerce Handywoman! Lara helps ecommerce and service based businesses boost the conversion rate of their website so that they can increase their sales and enquiries - very exciting stuff that we’ll dig into in a little more depth throughout the episode.


Watch ‘How to Optimise Your Website for Higher Conversions’ on Youtube


Listen to ‘How to Optimise Your Website for Higher Conversions’ on Spotify

In this podcast episode, Naomi from Lucky Night Studio hosts a special guest, Lara Glover, also known as The Ecommerce Handywoman. Lara & Naomi will cover:

The definition of conversion

Conversions occur when website visitors take desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or booking a discovery call.

The Five Core Principles of Conversion Optimisation

  • Clarity: Ensure clear messaging and value proposition on your website.

  • Friction: Remove obstacles that make it hard for visitors to complete actions.

  • Focus: Keep website design simple, with one clear goal per page.

  • Motivation: Encourage action through emotional appeal, incentives, urgency, and customer reviews.

  • Relevancy: Align website content, design, and marketing with your target audience.

Measuring Conversion Rates

Use website analytics to determine your conversion rate, and make small, incremental changes to improve it.

Testing and Experimentation

Experiment with changes on your website and monitor their impact on your conversion rate.

Launch Isn’t the End Goal

Listen as we underscore the need to actively promote your website through social media, guest blogging, directories, and other means to drive traffic and build authority.

Freebie Offer

Lara offers a free resource, "10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Sales" available on her website, The Ecommerce Handywoman.


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