The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 23: Adding More Personality to Your Website with Feel-Good Copywriting with Tasmin Lofthouse

On this episode we're thrilled to be joined by copy queen and small business superstar Tasmin Lofthouse! Tasmin is a conversion copywriter, messaging strategist and the founder of Fika Digital. 

She writes personality-packed copy that helps service providers, SaaS businesses and solopreneurs harness their voice to make their business shine and their dream customers get in line.

We'll be chatting about:

  • Why copywriting isn’t just putting random words on a page. It needs to be thoughtful and led by data & goals

  • How we can use data to add personality to copy

  • Why you should never be afraid to show your quirky side as a business owner

  • Much much more!


Watch ‘Adding More Personality to Your Website with Feel-Good Copywriting’ on Youtube


Listen to ‘Adding More Personality to Your Website with Feel-Good Copywriting’ on Spotify

Hey, dreamy podcast listeners! Naomi and Louise here from Lucky Night Studio, and we are absolutely thrilled to have a powerhouse guest with us today—Tasmin Lofthouse from Fika Digital! In this episode, we’ll be covering:

Why Personality Beats Facts

Injecting personality into your copy is crucial because facts alone can be boring. By telling a story with personality, you create a stronger emotional connection with your audience.

Building Deep Connections with Your Audience

Adding personality to your copy helps your audience resonate with your story. When they see themselves in your narrative, it builds a powerful emotional connection, far more impactful than presenting cold, hard facts.

How to Balance Professionalism and Personality

While it's common to think that a professional and starched image is necessary for business, adding your personality is key. Being authentic in your business communication helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Personality with a Data Driven Approach

Utilise customer research to understand your audience's language, challenges, and preferences. Incorporate their voice and phrases into your copy to make it more relatable and engaging.

Tips for Writing the Perfect ‘About Me’ Page

When writing your "About Me" page, focus on what your audience cares about. Share snippets of your personal story that align with their needs, values, and challenges. It's about finding a balance between personal storytelling and addressing customer needs.


Web Creation on Squarespace: Moorheart Site Transfer | Part 3


The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 22: Is Perfectionism Holding Your Small Business Back?