Web Creation on Squarespace: Moorheart Site Transfer | Part 2

Welcome back to our series on creating a standout Squarespace site! After setting up our custom Google font and crafting a vibrant homepage banner, it's time to populate our homepage with content that captivates. Today, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of adding and styling SVGs and creating an engaging overlapping section effect. Let’s enhance the visual storytelling of our site!

Fine-Tuning SVG Display with Inline CSS

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) are essential for a crisp and responsive design. When adding SVGs to your homepage, controlling their size ensures they complement, rather than dominate, your layout, especially when using on the side of a Squarespace website which falls outside the Squarespace fluid grid. Here's how you can apply a max-width using inline CSS to keep your graphics in check:

<svg style="max-width: 200px;" ...svg code>

This snippet ensures that the SVG won't exceed a width of 200 pixels, preserving the aesthetics and balance of your design.

Achieving a Seamless Overlapping Section Effect

Overlapping sections add depth to your homepage and create a dynamic, layered look. Here's how to achieve this using Squarespace's built-in design features:

  1. Insert a Square Shape: At the bottom of your section, add a square shape. Match the color of this shape to the next section's background for a seamless transition.

  2. Ensure Overlapping Elements: Place images or SVGs so they overlap with the square shape. This technique creates a fluid content flow and a visually interesting effect.

  3. Fine-Tune the Design: Adjust the size and position of your elements to create an intentional and balanced overlap.

Bringing Your Homepage to Life

With perfectly sized SVGs and creatively overlapped sections, your homepage is now not only informative but also visually engaging. These design choices help tell your brand's story and capture your audience's attention as they explore your site.

For a detailed walkthrough of these steps, be sure to watch the accompanying video tutorial. It's packed with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Squarespace's powerful design capabilities.

Looking forward to seeing your websites come to life with these creative design elements! Happy designing!


The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 22: Is Perfectionism Holding Your Small Business Back?


Web Creation on Squarespace: Moorheart Site Transfer | Part 1