The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 17: How to Sell Your Services Through Your Website

Welcome to another episode of The Lucky Biz Podcast, hosted by us, Naomi and Louise from Lucky Night Studio! We begin this episode with a chilled catch-up, discussing our recent life updates, workload, and how we’ve handled occasional business setbacks.

We’re introducing a new segment in this weeks episode - a quickfire round of personal questions, covering topics like what we’re watching, reading, or playing, and their favourite memes of the moment.

The main topic of this weeks podcast revolves around the importance of service providers having their own website. We’ll discuss why it's crucial to sell your services, how it extends beyond local businesses, and why social media isn't enough to build a thriving service business.

We’ll delve into five top tips for effectively selling services through a website, including understanding your ideal customer, conducting the right keyword research, making your customer the main character, using call-to-action buttons strategically, and carefully crafting the user journey of your website.

We also mention our free Squarespace template that we’re offering to help small business babes kickstart their websites.


Watch ‘How to Sell Your Services Through Your Website’ on Youtube


Listen to ‘How to Sell Your Services Through Your Website’ on Spotify

In this podcast episode, Naomi & Louise from Lucky Night Studio are talking all things web design, and how service based businesses can improve the sales of their services through their websites. We’ll cover:

The importance of websites for service providers

A website should act as a virtual storefront for service providers, showcasing their unique value and brand to their dream customers. It allows service providers to be discoverable by potential clients through search engines with good SEO.

Seeing beyond local businesses

Service providers can operate nationally and globally, so making a personality-packed website is essential for reaching a wider audience. Social media platforms, while useful marketing tools, cannot replace the benefits of a dedicated website.

Knowing & serving your dream customer

Understanding your dream customer's goals, struggles, and language is essential for effective website messaging and positioning. Focus on portraying the customer as the hero of their journey and positioning yourself as the guide as talked about in Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller.

Understanding CTAs & using them effectively

We’ll talk customer journey and calls-to-action and how you can make the most of these throughout your website. These are beneficial to your users and conversion rates, but also growing your reach with SEO.

Crafting the perfect user journey

Building a high converting website is about so much more than just good looks. We’ll talk about the importance of the user journey of your website, and how you can optimise this for greater sales and enquiries.


Template Transformations: Artistic website for marketing strategist Ceels Lockley


How to add downloadables to a Squarespace website (PDF's, Scripts, Images)