Web Creation on Squarespace: Moorheart Site Transfer | Part 5

In this part of our Squarespace series, we delve into creating the ‘About’ page, we also explore how to effectively use image backgrounds and the time-saving Squarespace 'Saved Section' feature to enhance your site's design and functionality.

Populating the About Page: Telling Your Story

Your 'About' page is where visitors connect with your brand's story and ethos. Here’s how to make it resonate:

  1. Personal Touch: Share your story or your brand's journey in a way that’s relatable and engaging.

  2. Visuals and Layout: Incorporate images and organize content to guide visitors through your narrative effectively.

Utilizing Image Backgrounds for Visual Impact

Squarespace’s image background feature can dramatically enhance the look and feel of a page:

  1. High-Quality Images: Choose images that are high resolution and relevant to your content.

  2. Text Contrast: Ensure any text over your images is easily readable, possibly by adjusting text colors or using overlays, this feature can be found in the Squarespace settings

  3. Opt for images which are not too busy, a really busy background will make the design feel cluttered and messy.

Speeding Up Design with Squarespace’s 'Saved Section' Feature

The 'Saved Section' feature is a boon for efficient website design:

  1. Reuse and Customize: Save sections you’ve created and reuse them on different pages, adjusting the content as necessary.

  2. Consistency Made Easy: This feature helps maintain design consistency across your site while saving time, perfect for things like a newsletter sign up, quotes or reviews section which should be used multiple times throughout your website.

Bringing the About Page to Life

An 'About' page that tells a compelling story, combined with visually engaging design elements and efficient use of Squarespace’s features, can significantly elevate your site’s appeal. It's not just about listing facts; it's about crafting an experience that visitors will remember.

For a step-by-step guide on creating an impactful 'About' page and utilizing these features, check out our latest video:


Web Creation on Squarespace: Moorheart Site Transfer | Part 6


The Lucky Biz Podcast Episode 25: Wrapping Up 2023 - What We Achieved, What We Loved & What We Learnt